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At Global School for Entrepreneurship we consider it our challenge to educate and facilitate tomorrow’s entrepreneurs in the most personal and inspirational way possible. We are creating Entrepreneurs
- Work on creating your own business from day 1.
- Get challenged, mentored and coached.
- Get your Bachelor of Science degree.
- Live and work in Europe’s hottest cities.
- 75% of faculty are...
At Global School for Entrepreneurship we consider it our challenge to educate and facilitate tomorrow’s entrepreneurs in the most personal and inspirational way possible. We are creating Entrepreneurs
- Work on creating your own business from day 1.
- Get challenged, mentored and coached.
- Get your Bachelor of Science degree.
- Live and work in Europe’s hottest cities.
- 75% of faculty are entrepreneurs themselves.
- Starting is possible in February and September.
- Accredited by the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organisation.
At Global School for Entrepreneurship we consider it our challenge to educate and facilitate tomorrow’s entrepreneurs in the most inspirational and personal way possible. In any given year millions of novice entrepreneurs want to start their own companies. From the 25.000 startups we worked with, we learned that little of the currently offered programs at the Universities is truly relevant to them. Your program shouldn’t be ABOUT entrepreneurs, it should be FOR entrepreneurs.
This made us rethink entrepreneurship education. We are fully accredited yet completely different from anything out there
Van profiel naar studie
Achterhaal welke hbo of wo opleidingen het beste passen bij jouw achtergrond
Jaarlijks worden studenten gevraagd hun mening te geven over hun opleiding en instelling in de Nationale Studenten Enquête van Studiekeuze123. Helaas zijn er voor deze vestiging geen studentenoordelen beschikbaar.