Wo master - Economie en Bedrijf Eerder bekeken

Econometrics and Operations Research

Varianten: Econometrics and Operations Research: Econometric Theory, Econometrics and Operations Research: Financial Econometrics, Econometrics and Operations Re...

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Geschreven door Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

In de hedendaagse data-gedreven wereld staan organisaties voor steeds complexere uitdagingen die grondige kwantitatieve analyses en doordachte besluitvorming vereisen. De master Econometrics and Operations Research (MEOR) aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam biedt je de meest geavanceerde methoden en tools om deze uitdagingen aan te gaan.

Onze opleiding bevindt zich op het snijvlak van wiskunde, statistiek, informatica en bedrijfskunde, en biedt je:

* Expertise in geavanceerde analytische methoden

* Praktische ervaring met de nieuwste technieken op het gebied van econometrie, operations research en data science

* Een solide basis in zowel theoretische kaders als praktische toepassingen

* Inzichten vanuit de praktijk via gastcolleges en casestudies

* Een grondig begrip van hoe complexe data vertaald kan worden naar bruikbare inzichten

Deze master onderscheidt zich door een praktijkgerichte en actueel curriculum, dat continu wordt aangepast aan de nieuwste trends in kwantitatieve methoden en toepassingen. Je leert van vooraanstaande onderzoekers en professionals in een academische omgeving die bekend staat om haar uitmuntendheid.

Twee tracks, elk met unieke specialisaties...

Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • Financial Econometrics is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme.

    Your econometric challenge for a life-time career enhancer

    In the master specialization Econometric Theory, you explore and master the active research field of econometrics. This in-depth specialization into the foundations of econometric methods offers you the challenge to explore and master an active research field that will place you first in any academic or professional career.

    Econometrics connects to many academic disciplines including mathematics, statistics, economics, finance, and business studies, and is primarily concerned with the science and art of using economic theory and statistical techniques to analyse economic/finance/marketing data. This principle can be used in so many directions that econometrics can be regarded as a very general study.


    * Thesis MSc EOR - Econometrics

    * Advanced Econometrics

    * Multivariate Econometrics

    * Time Series Models

    * Econometrics Research

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Financial Econometrics is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme. Your road to Wall Street: Become the Quantitative Specialist in the Financial Industry

    This hands-on study into the econometric methods used on a daily basis in the financial industry will let you become the quantitative financial specialist and will place you at the forefront of a successful professional career.

    Financial Econometrics connects different academic disciplines including mathematics, statistics, finance, and business studies, and is primarily concerned with the use of financial economic theory and statistical techniques for an up-to-date quantitative analysis of finance-economic data sets. The econometric methods can be used to analyse financial risks, investment strategies, financial economic policies, monetary policies, high-frequency trading, capital markets, financial stability, and many other topics.


    * Thesis MSc EOR - Econometrics

    * Advanced Econometrics

    * Multivariate Econometrics

    * Time Series Models

    * Financial Econometrics Case Study

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Financial Engineering is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme. Become the expert on analyzing and designing financial products.

    Expanding markets and the increasing complexity and variety of financial products have generated a growing demand for skilled professionals to create, price and hedge complex derivatives. The specialization in Financial Engineering provides you with advanced qualifications in operations research and finance, from the management of financial portfolios to risk analysis in financial markets. Financial Engineering is the place where finance meets operations research!

    Financial Engineering uses techniques from operations research such as simulation and simulation-based optimization for evaluating options or portfolio optimization. Financial analysts find work at major banks, brokers, and institutional investors such as insurance companies.


    * Thesis MSc EOR - Operations Research

    * Combinatorial Optimization

    * Optimization and Learning via Stochastic Gradient Search

    * Operations Research Case

    * Optimization and Multiagent Systems

    * Econometrics for Quantitative Risk Management I

    * Stochastic Processes: the Fundamentals

    * Asset Pricing

    * Stochastic Processes for Finance and Derivatives Markets

    * Derivatives

    * Institutional Investments and Asset Liability Management

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Quantitative Economics is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme.

    This in-depth specialization dives into the cross-roads of applied econometrics and economics offers you the challenge to explore the active research fields of microeconomics, macroeconomics and/or macro-finance.

    Quantitative Economics connects many academic disciplines including mathematics, statistics, economics, finance, and business studies, and is primarily concerned with the science and art of using economic theory and statistical techniques to analyse economic data. This specialization offers you the chance to explore the classical and general intersection of economics and econometrics. This study will enhance your analytical skills, will invest in your quantitative insights, will introduce you to a scientific approach of analytical thinking and will generally broaden your quantitative horizons.


    * Thesis MSc EOR - Econometrics

    * Advanced Econometrics

    * Multivariate Econometrics

    * Time Series Models

    * Advanced Microeconomics

    * Intermediate Microeconomics

    * Advanced Macroeconomics

    * Research Project Economics

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Operations Research Theory is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme.

    If you are interested in a career defining the rules of the game of industry and production practice by having a deep understanding of the possibilities of cutting-edge techniques, if you want to pursue an academic career, or if you just love the mathematics of operations research, then the Operations Research Theory specialization is for you. It offers you deeper knowledge and understanding of this research area and eventually, through the thesis, participate in front-line research in operations research.

    Next to the core courses of the programme, lectures are provided through the Dutch Network on the Mathematics of Operations Research, a collaboration of the top researchers from throughout the Netherlands. This way, the specialization offers the opportunity of learning from a wide range of leading researchers in the field.

    The specialization challenges you to deepen your knowledge and understanding of the mathematics behind Operations Research models and methods, so that you will be able to contribute to the further development of the field. Next to the theory in the core courses, you will also get hands-on experience in turning the models and methods you learn, or design yourself, into practical code.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Quantitative Logistics is one of the specializations of the Master's in Operations Research.

    In an interconnected world, organizations increasingly collaborate in order to efficiently distribute their services to customers. This requires the integration of various key processes across organizations. The specialization Quantitative Logistics equips you with expertise on supply chains, as well as the sophisticated quantitative methods and tools from optimization, that you need to effectively design, implement and manage supply chain processes.

    The core courses of this program are oriented to computation with a solid basis in mathematics. This will enable you to master a broad spectrum of models and solution methods, and to design and analyze novel methods applicable to new situations.

    Logistics is the oldest area of application of optimization. Supply Chain Management is the most advanced and nowadays one of the most relevant topics in this field. Courses in supply chain management and a case study illustrate a wealth of practical situations in which the operations research models and methods that you learned can be applied or adapted to the particular problem. You will be able to work and communicate in teams with people who are not experts in operations research. You will learn how to report the results of your investigations, both in academic and business environments.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • How can we forecast extreme weather events using data-science techniques? What is the impact of climate change on economies and societies in an increasingly interconnected world? How are financial markets affected by the implications of disasters?

    Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of the 21st century and affects people, economies and the environment all over the globe. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has underscored the complexities of the climate system. At the same time, econometrics and data science methods for ultra-high dimensional data sets are developing rapidly. Understanding the complexities of climate change require people with very strong data analytics skills and a thorough understanding of climate system dynamics. In this unique specialization, we cover econometrics, statistical theory of high-dimensional spaces, computer science skills for handling big data in a data-rich environment and apply those skills to climate change challenges.

    It is the first in The Netherlands to bring together the field of econometrics and climate change science. In this specialization, you will enhance your data science skills and apply them to complex climate change science. The programme allows you to understand, create, and estimate econometric (climate-)models in order to analyze economic effects and to assist in policy making on climate change.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • Marketing Data Science is a specialization of the Econometrics and Operations Research master's programme.

    This hands-on specialization into econometric methods for analyzing marketing data to facilitate better marketing strategies let you become the quantitative marketing specialist and place you at the forefront of a successful professional career.

    You learn how data science can improve marketing strategies and gain a quantitative edge in the e-commerce of tomorrow. In the Marketing Data Science specialization you study econometrics and data science methods for the analysis of marketing data to facilitate better marketing strategies. We connect many academic disciplines including mathematics, statistics, economics, and marketing. This study is primarily concerned with the use of microeconomics, consumer behaviour and statistical techniques to analyse data sets with multiple hierarchies such as product, brand, location, distribution, etc. The econometric methods are used to analyse volume shares, advertising effects, sale strategies, consumer behaviour, brand loyalty schemes, TV and social media advertising, and many other topics.


    * Thesis MSc EOR - Econometrics

    * Advanced Econometrics

    * Multivariate Econometrics

    * Time Series Models

    * Marketing Data Case

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur
  • We welcome you in the fast-developing world of econometrics and data science methods for ultra-high dimensional data sets. In this specialization we cover statistical theory of high-dimensional spaces, the computer science skills of handling big data, the econometric methodology of identifying causal economic relations in a data-rich environment. You further learn the practical skills of analyzing, modelling and forecasting key financial and economic variables, for the purpose of improving policy and decision-making.

    The specialization Econometrics and Data Science offers an excellent opportunity for those wishing to enhance their quantitative profile for a career in data science. The programme combines different academic disciplines including statistics, econometrics, computer science, economics and business, but it is more than a simple intersection of these. In essence, it is concerned with the theory and practice of transforming large and complex data sets into pieces of information that are potentially beneficial for a wide range of purposes relevant to corporates, economic and government institutions, and financial service companies. This will give you a distinct and strong profile, placing you at pole position for a successful career as a data scientist in professional, business and academic environments.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?



    10:30 - 15:00 uur

Kennismaken met de opleiding?

VU Masterevent: 7 maart 2026
10:30 - 15:00 uur

Op Studiekeuze123 kun je informatie vergelijken. Op de website van de onderwijsinstelling kun je verder lezen als de opleiding je aanspreekt.

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studiepunten: 60 ECTS
Diploma: Master of Science

Om toegelaten te worden tot een opleiding moet je aan bepaalde eisen voldoen.


Om aan een master te kunnen starten, heb je een bachelordiploma nodig.

Sluit je bachelor niet direct aan op de master, of stroom je door van hbo naar wo? Dan moet je meestal een schakelprogramma of premaster volgen. Lees meer over schakelprogramma’s (Schakelprogramma, is dat nodig? - Studiekeuze123)


€ 2.601
Wettelijk collegegeld
€ 2.530
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Studeren bij deze instelling

188 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
66% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
34% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
135 opleidingen
126.117 studenten in de gemeente Amsterdam Meer info over Amsterdam


We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.


Diploma binnen 2 jaar


behaalt een diploma voor deze opleiding

behaalt een ander wo master diploma

behaalt geen diploma

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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Landelijk gemiddelde
Econometrics and Operations Research
Vergelijk alle 2 opleidingen
4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Sfeer 4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Studiefaciliteiten 3.7 / 5 3.8 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studie opnieuw kiezen 4.2 / 5 4.2 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Inhoud en opzet 4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.5 / 5 3.5 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Over de studie Econometrics and Operations Research

89% van de afgestudeerden vindt de studie een goede basis om te starten op de arbeidsmarkt
86% van de afgestudeerden zou achteraf de studie opnieuw kiezen

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.

De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Econometrics and Operations Research en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.

Meest gekozen beroepen (na deze studie)

Financieel analisten 17%
Wiskundigen, actuarissen en statistici 17%

Een (substantiële) baan vinden...

duurt gemiddeld 3 maanden.
65% krijgt een vast contract.

Match tussen studie en beroep

83% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie

90% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie


Het startsalaris na deze studie is hoger dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.

€ 3.715

Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie

€ 3.150

Geschat van alle wo master studies

Gemiddelde werkweek

Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.

39 uur

Het percentage zelfstandigen

We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.

Tevredenheid huidige baan

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over hun huidige baan.

4.2 / 5

Tevredenheid carrièrekansen

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over de mogelijkheden en vooruitzichten in hun loopbaan.

4.3 / 5

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1081 HV Amsterdam

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