The two year Food Quality Management Master of Science study programme offers an integrated approach to the study and assessment of quality processes in the agrifood chain.
Combining the life and the social sciences, the exclusively developed techno-managerial approach allows students to study the whole supply chain from the primary sector to the final consumer. The programme offers the following specialisations:
A) Quality Control and Assurance
B) Quality and Food Logistics
C) User oriented Food Quality
D) Quality Managment and Entrepeneurship.
Students with a background in food, nutrition, management sciences and or/logistics are welcome to apply!
The specialisation Quality and Food Logistics (B) allows students to investigate, analyze and improve food supply chain management based on surveys, case studies, conceptual frameworks and decision support models (such as simulation and optimization). This specialisation provides the knowledge for understanding how complex food supply chains work, with emphasis on product quality, sustainability and technology. Further, innovative logistics concepts and dedicated decision support models will be developed to deal with increased complexity and contemporary developments in the agri-food sector. Students will perform research in topics such as quality controlled logistics, logistics collaboration concepts, the techno-managerial systems approach for food supply chain management, sustainability in food chains, etc. The knowledge and skills that students gain in this specialisation prepare them to work in many agri-food industries and organisations including food processing, fresh food trader/wholesaler, and also food/logistics consulting companies. They can work
as a supply chain or logistics manager as well as quality manager or product developer, with profound knowledge about logistics and quality aspects and how they may influence each other in the agri-food sector.
The specialisation Quality Control and Assurance (A) educates students in complex problem-solving by the techno-managerial approach, food safety knowledge, quality and safety standards, fraud and authenticity, and food law. Students will perform research in topics such as food safety culture, risk-based auditing, food integrity management, effectiveness of food safety management systems (FSMS) in global supply chains, FSMS development and food safety enforcement in emerging countries.
The specialisation Quality Management and Entrepreneurship (D) gives insight into developing business in that complex and dynamic environment and taking into account the several and sometimes conflicting demands (on quality, safety, environment-sustainability) posed by consumers, companies (e.g. retailers, producers), governmental agencies and/or NGO’s. Research thesis topics are e.g. on how food companies deal with such different and dynamic demands in designing a management system, the influence of such stakeholders on prioritizing the demands.
The specialisation User-oriented Food Quality (C) studies food quality from the consumer’s perspective. Different systems exist to check and control food quality in the production chain. After the point of sale, however, the consumer is in charge. Consumer practices in combination with use of available appliances determine food quality at the moment of consumption. What consumers do and why they do so is important to know. Taking this information into account in the food production chain, can contribute to an improved quality after the point of sale. In this specialisation research topics are e.g. how consumers perform food related practices and how companies can anticipate on this, the consumer perception of quality attributes of food and how to improve perceived quality.
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We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Meer informatie | 3.8 / 5 |
Sfeer | 4.1 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.3 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.7 / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.8 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.6 / 5 |
Meer informatie | 3.8 / 5 |
Sfeer | 4.1 / 5 |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.3 / 5 |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 3.7 / 5 |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.8 / 5 |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.6 / 5 |
Docenten | 3.9 / 5 |
Lesstof in het Engels | 4.4 / 5 |
Studiebegeleiding | 4.0 / 5 |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 3.8 / 5 |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 4.1 / 5 |
Studiedruk |
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Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.
De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Food Quality Management en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.
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duurt gemiddeld 5 maanden.52% krijgt een vast contract.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.
€ 3.081
Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie
€ 3.150
Geschat van alle wo master studies
Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.
39 uur
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We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
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6708 PB
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