Wo master - Taal en Communicatie


Varianten: Modern Languages, Linguistics (specialisation), Translation, Modern Languages: Chinese Language and Linguistics, Modern Languages: English Language an...

Universiteit Leiden
Geschreven door Universiteit Leiden

The one-year Master in Linguistics is concerned with the knowledge, structure and use of language, studied from a wide range of perspectives.

The Linguistics programme offers a wide range of perspectives on language. It enables you to learn how to identify, describe and analyse language phenomena systematically and to apply this knowledge to a specific area of interest, ranging from theoretical and experimental approaches to linguistics, to language documentation, language comparison, language learning, communication, to translation. The programme is situated within the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, which brings together renowned scholars from a variety of theoretical and applied perspectives.

This master's programme is aimed at students with basic demonstrable academic knowledge in the field of linguistics. What makes you a good candidate for the programme is that you are interested in the structure of language because: you have an analytical mind and are fascinated by the human capacity for language; you are interested in a specific language and might want to teach this language; you are interested in linguistic analyses, theoretical or experimental approaches to...

Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • The programme for the Modern Languages specialisation is a one-year programme within the Master degree in Linguistics at the Leiden University. In the course of the programme you will be able to focus on one of five language themes, or a combination thereof: Chinese Linguistics, English Linguistics, French Linguistics, German Linguistics or Italian Linguistics. The programme equips you with unique skills relevant to a career in academia, teaching, writing and communications.

    The MA Modern Languages provides you with a solid foundation in the languages of the world's most influential societies. You will look at how these languages can vary by place, by situation and by social group (sociolinguistics, dialectology); how they evolve over time (historical linguistics); how people acquire or learn them (language acquisition); and how people use them in context (pragmatics).

    The programme is aimed at students who are interested in Chinese Linguistics, English Linguistics, French Linguistics, German Linguistics or Italian Linguistics. You might also be interested in second language learning, or in combining linguistics with literary studies of your language of choice. These options are an excellent preparation for a subsequent educational master.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • In the one-year Linguistics Master specialisation you will be able to focus on a specific thematic or disciplinary route, reflecting the linguistics expertise present at Leiden University.

    In the course of the programme you can explore the full breadth and depth of linguistics and language use. Courses on a broad array of topics can be combined along thematic or disciplinary lines that interest you most. This allows you to focus on, for example, core theoretical areas (syntax, semantics, phonology), forensic and phonetic speech science, pragmatics and communication, language documentation in remote areas, language acquisition, or Indo-European linguistics.

    You may choose one of the ready-made thematic or disciplinary routes through the programme, or potentially create one according to your individual interests. You will benefit from Leiden's excellent research facilities, including the Experimental Linguistics Labs: the Phonetics Lab, the EEG Lab, the Eye-tracking Lab and the Babylab.

    The MA Linguistics specialisation is aimed at students who have an analytical mind and are fascinated by the human capacity for language, by the structure of languages, whether Western, non-Western, ancient or modern, or by the ways in which language can be used to inform, influence and mislead.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The MA Translation at Leiden University offers a unique combination of translation theory, research and practice, preparing you for either a further academic career as a researcher or a professional career in the language industry as a translator, subtitler, terminologist, project manager or language consultant. Thanks to our use of professional translation software and our attention to developments in computer-assisted and machine translation, you will have all the necessary tools in your translator’s toolkit, as well as the ability to use them critically and reflect on their value in a world of increasing globalization and multicultural communication.

    The MA Translation is a member of the prestigious European Master’s in Translation Network and offers state-of-the-art training that includes the use of new tools and a strong focus on professional practice. The instructors all have experience in both professional practice and academic research, and their expertise is reflected in the different electives: legal translation, literary translation, medical translation, and multimodal translation (including subtitling). Our programme includes translation practice both from English to Dutch as well as Dutch to English. At the end of your studies, you will earn a qualification that will give you entry to the national register of sworn interpreters and translators.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The Master's programme Chinese Linguistics at Leiden University is a specialisation of the MA Modern Languages and offers you an excellent opportunity to concentrate on the different aspects of the languages of China, especially their sounds and syntax.

    During the Chinese Linguistics programme you will gain knowledge in language variation: in all courses, we look beyond Mandarin, both diachronically and synchronically. You will learn to understand the different languages of China from their phonetic-phonology aspects as well as their syntactic aspects.You will join a master's programme with a strong tradition and focus on Chinese linguistics. Leiden University has been teaching Chinese since 1855, with the first professor exclusively for Chinese appointed in 1877. Leiden is also one of the very few universities outside China with four linguists working on Chinese Linguistics.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The English Language and Linguistics Master's programme at Leiden University focuses on English language usage and linguistics around the world, including in countries where English is spoken as a second language or as part of a mixed language. English Language and Linguistics at Leiden University is part of the MA Linguistics specialisation Modern Languages.

    During your studies you will delve deeply into the English language in its various forms. You will learn about the different cultural and historical circumstances in which the language has developed, and continues to develop. A comparative and global approach to learning incorporates theoretical comparisons with other languages –linguistically, culturally, historically, psychologically, and sociologically.

    You will be able to choose from a wide range of specialised courses and research topics, both theoretical and applied and often related to ongoing research projects. You will also apply various aspects of linguistic theory to the description of the facts of English, with a particular emphasis on the earlier stages of the language, such as Old and Middle English, as well as Early and Late Modern English.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The French Language and Linguistics Master's programme at Leiden University offers a wide array of courses covering theoretical and applied linguistics, including language acquisition, syntax, and semantics. French Language and Linguistics at Leiden University is part of the MA Linguistics specialisation Modern Languages.

    You will have the opportunity to analyse the French language from an academic perspective, as well as in the context of its economic or legal applications. The programme will also provide you with an understanding of how language and people influence each other.

    You will be able to learn from the expertise of our dedicated team of active researchers, many of whom have an international reputation and who publish extensively. You will also be able to benefit from the support of close and regular communication between staff and students as well as the programme’s broad network which covers universities in France, the United States and Canada. The flexible design of the French Language and Linguistics programme means you have the freedom to tailor the curriculum to match your specific interests. You will be able to choose from a range of specialised courses and research topics.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The German Language and Linguistics Master's programme at Leiden University is a specialisation of the MA Modern Languages and offers in-depth knowledge of German linguistic theory and practice.

    When you study German Language and Linguistics at Leiden University you will be encouraged you to explore your own ideas and research plans – whether your preferences are linguistic theory, fieldwork or psycholinguistic experiments. You will not only acquire a high level of fluency in German, but you will also gain skills that are highly valued in the job market, preparing you for a future career in academia or professions that require strong German communication skills, organisational abilities, and didactic and/or academic skills.

    During this programme you will gain a broad and deep knowledge of the empirical, theoretical, and experimental approaches to linguistics. You will also learn to transfer your ideas into concrete research proposals with the support of experienced tutors, or contribute to the research conducted at the Leiden University Centre for Linguistics (LUCL).

    The curriculum of the master’s programme in German Language and Linguistics allows you to combine courses from the programme with other master’s courses offered at the Faculty of Humanities.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • The Master's programme Italian Language and Linguistics at Leiden University is a specialisation of the MA Modern Languages and draws on diachronic and synchronic perspectives to bring you an advanced qualification in Italian linguistics.

    Italian Language and Linguistics focuses on the most relevant aspects of Italian linguistics: how it connects to social and cultural issues; how it varies across time and place; how it is transmitted, taught and learned. An important aspect of the programme is exploring the dynamics that led to the literary language of Italian becoming the country's national language.

    All courses take a global and comparative approach: you will learn how to critically assess an issue from multiple perspectives. You will also acquire the skills to design an optimal language training plan by studying and comparing current language teaching methods.

    Kennismaken met deze variant?
  • Heb jij interesse en ambitie om jouw leiderschapskwaliteiten en je kennis over leiderschap verder te ontwikkelen? Wil je meer leren over leiderschap in praktijk? Dan is het Leiden Leadership Programme iets voor jou.

    Het Leiden Leadership Programme is een eenjarig programma voor gemotiveerde masterstudenten waarin je leert over leiderschap en je eigen leiderschapskwaliteiten ontdekt en ontwikkelt. Door het kleinschalige onderwijs en een ondersteunende docentcoach werk je op een persoonlijke manier aan je eigen ontwikkeling. Ook volg je tijdens dit interdisciplinaire programma seminars en vaardigheidstrainingen, waardoor je meer inzicht krijgt in jouw sterke en zwakke punten en wat het effect is van jouw gedrag op anderen. Daarnaast werk je met een aantal medestudenten aan een pittige praktijkopdracht en ervaar je de complexiteit van leiderschap in de praktijk.

    Kennismaken met deze honoursprogramma?

Kennismaken met de opleiding?

Master Online Open Dagen
t/m 10 oktober 2025

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studiepunten: 60 ECTS
Honours: 1 programma
Diploma: Master of Arts

Om toegelaten te worden tot een opleiding moet je aan bepaalde eisen voldoen.


Om aan een master te kunnen starten, heb je een bachelordiploma nodig.

Sluit je bachelor niet direct aan op de master, of stroom je door van hbo naar wo? Dan moet je meestal een schakelprogramma of premaster volgen. Lees meer over schakelprogramma’s (Schakelprogramma, is dat nodig? - Studiekeuze123)


€ 2.601
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€ 2.530
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Studeren bij deze instelling

68 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
22% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
78% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
136 opleidingen
36.994 studenten in de gemeente Leiden Meer info over Leiden


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Diploma binnen 2 jaar


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behaalt geen diploma

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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Universiteit Leiden
Landelijk gemiddelde
Vergelijk alle 7 opleidingen
3.7 / 5 3.8 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Sfeer 4.1 / 5 4.2 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studiefaciliteiten 3.7 / 5 3.9 / 5
0.2 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studie opnieuw kiezen 3.7 / 5 3.8 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Inhoud en opzet 3.8 / 5 3.8 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.4 / 5 3.5 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Over de studie Taalwetenschappen

26% van de afgestudeerden vindt de studie een goede basis om te starten op de arbeidsmarkt
80% van de afgestudeerden zou achteraf de studie opnieuw kiezen

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.

De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Taalwetenschappen en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.

Meest gekozen beroepen (na deze studie)

Audiologen en logopedisten 13%
Onderwijsgevenden in het secundair onderwijs 8%
Professoren en andere onderwijsgevenden in het hoger onderwijs 8%
Specialisten op het gebied van beleidsadministratie 8%
Specialisten op het gebied van onderwijsmethoden 8%

Een (substantiële) baan vinden...

duurt gemiddeld 14 maanden.
37% krijgt een vast contract.

Match tussen studie en beroep

64% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie

48% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie


Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.

€ 2.721

Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie

€ 3.150

Geschat van alle wo master studies

Gemiddelde werkweek

Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.

34 uur

Het percentage zelfstandigen

Het aandeel mensen dat werkt als zelfstandige of ondernemer.


Tevredenheid huidige baan

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over hun huidige baan.

3.8 / 5

Tevredenheid carrièrekansen

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over de mogelijkheden en vooruitzichten in hun loopbaan.

3.5 / 5

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