Wo master - Taal en Communicatie
Deze opleiding heet ook wel:
Natural Language Processing, Language and Cognition, Clinical Linguistics / EMCL
Language is a central topic in cognitive science, computer science and the study of human behaviour. The research tracks of Linguistics study these fields in depth.
Language can be studied in many ways. You can, for example analyse texts or computer corpora, listen to people speak, or measure properties of sound waves in the lab. You can choose from:
* Language and Cognition
* Clinical Linguistics (EMCL+)
* Natural Language Processing
All research tracks are taught in English.
Sign up now for the Master's week from 24-28 March!
How do you make Large Language Models? How do people experience Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications? How can we use these technologies to analyze subjective framing of text, detect mistranslations, and make Large Language Models more transparent?
NLP is everywhere: Machine Translation is increasingly employed for communication, advanced search engines are utilized to extract content from diverse media, and GenAI is used to assist creative writing. Research in NLP is crucial because it enables machines to understand, interpret, and generate human language, making human-computer interaction more natural and accessible, while also opening up new possibilities for automating and enhancing tasks across various industries.
This international Double Degree track in Natural Language Processing combines Linguistics and Computer Science, which means you study human language technologies in a multilingual setting.
The two-year training is part of the prestigious international Erasmus Mundus programme. You will spend the first year of your studies in Groningen and will finish the programme at one of our partner universities in the second year. After completing the track, you will receive two Master's degrees: a degree in Linguistics from the University of Groningen and a second Master's degree from the partner university you choose to stay at.
Natural Language Processi
How is language stored in the brain? How do we acquire a foreign language? How can we explain patterns of language use in terms of underlying structures, and also the role of language in society?
The Language and Cognition programme offers training in linguistics which reflects the areas of expertise among linguists at the University of Groningen. In addition to required courses, which cover core areas of the discipline, students may choose from courses in neuro- and psycholinguistics, theoretical linguistics, developmental linguistics, computational linguistics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics and communication studies. These are the focus areas of excellent, multidisciplinary research carried out in the Centre for Language and Cognition Groningen (CLCG) and the Groningen Research School for Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience (BCN).The programme is meant for talented students from all over the world who aspire to do research in the field of Linguistics. After finishing the degree, you will have acquired essential research skills and fundamental knowledge of linguistic analysis, language development, and language processing. This programme is a selective admission two-year Research Master's programme that prepares you for entry into a related PhD program, or other research positions.Are you curious if you are eligible for the Research Master's programme? Check t
Sign up now for the Master's week from 24-28 March!
How is language stored in the brain? What effects can brain damage have on our ability to use language? And why do some children have difficulty learning language? Find it out in this track.
The two-year international Research Master's track in Clinical Linguistics is part of the prestigious international Erasmus Mundus programme in Clinical Linguistics, EMCL-25. EMCL-25 is an integrated two-year Master's programme offered jointly by a consortium of the Universities of Groningen (NL), Ghent (B) and Eastern Finland (FI) and 26 associated partners from the academic, R&D, and clinical sector, finishing with a joint Msc degree from the three institutions. It is a full-time interdisciplinary and transnational university programme at the Masters level, providing integrated training in neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and clinical linguistics.
The regular study period is 24 months. It consists of 4 semesters; 2 teaching semesters, the third semester is a combination of a teaching semester and internship, the fourth semester to finish the masters thesis. After finishing this track you will receive a joint degree.
Most recent information on the EMCL-25 programme can be found at: emcl.eu
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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Deze opleiding
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen |
Landelijk gemiddelde
Taalwetenschappen (research) Vergelijk alle 4 opleidingen |
verschil | |
Meer informatie | 4.1 / 5 | 4.1 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 4.3 / 5 | 4.4 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.2 / 5 | 4.1 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 4.1 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 4.0 / 5 | 4.0 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.9 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Meer informatie | 4.1 / 5 | 4.1 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 4.3 / 5 | 4.4 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 4.2 / 5 | 4.1 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 4.1 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 4.0 / 5 | 4.0 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 3.9 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Docenten | 4.1 / 5 | 4.2 / 5 | |
Lesstof in het Engels | 4.6 / 5 | 4.7 / 5 | |
Studiebegeleiding | 3.8 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 4.0 / 5 | 3.9 / 5 | |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 4.2 / 5 | 4.2 / 5 | |
Studiedruk |
Over de studie Taalwetenschappen (research)
Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.
De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Taalwetenschappen (research) en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
duurt gemiddeld 14 maanden.37% krijgt een vast contract.
64% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie
48% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie
Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.
€ 2.721
Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie
€ 3.150
Geschat van alle wo master studies
Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.
34 uur
Het aandeel mensen dat werkt als zelfstandige of ondernemer.
Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL
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