Wo master - Economie en Bedrijf


Varianten: MSc Marketing - Marketing Management, MSc Marketing - Marketing Analytics and Data Science, DDM Strategic Marketing Intelligence, DDM Marketing & Fina...

Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Geschreven door Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

Study marketing in Groningen and use the opportunity to specialize in marketing and customer management or marketing analytics and data science.

How can effective marketing strategies be aligned with sustainability goals to create a positive impact on both consumer well-being and brand reputation? How can you process and analyze big datasets to track marketing performance and generate customer insights?At the Faculty of Economics and Business in Groningen, you can choose between two different Marketing tracks. In both tracks, you develop an advanced understanding of how marketing works and the skills you need to implement it effectively. Depending on your interest and career aspirations, you can choose between Marketing Management (MM) and Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS).Within the MM track, you will gain insights into specific marketing functions like branding and new product management, customer management, marketing communications, retailing, and for instance business-to-business marketing. You learn to understand strategic marketing decision-making, consumer well-being, and creating meaningful connections that resonate in a fast-paced, interconnected world facing m...

Keuzes binnen de opleiding

  • Study marketing management in Groningen and learn how to do marketing that contributes to consumer well-being, and use digital analytics responsibly to continuously improve marketing strategies.

    How can effective marketing strategies be aligned with sustainability goals to create a positive impact on consumer well-being, brand reputation, and society as a whole? How can marketers ethically use psychological triggers in their campaigns? And how can managers make better decisions using relevant data in a responsible way?Studying MSc Marketing - Marketing Management track is about understanding strategic marketing decision-making, consumer well-being, and creating meaningful connections that resonate in a fast-paced, interconnected world facing major challenges. During the one-year programme in Groningen, you will discover the power of branding, understand why and how consumers make decisions and gain expertise to use data for customer insights. Marketing is not a static discipline, it is a dynamic and interdisciplinary field and our professors and industry experts will share their knowledge on the latest technological advancements, consumer behaviors, and market trends to prepare you for your career. For example, you learn about using ethical and environmentally conscious campaigns that resonate with today’s mindful consumers and contribute to solving the societal challeng

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    De hele dag
  • Study marketing analytics and data science in Groningen and be trained thoroughly on methods to process and analyze big datasets to track marketing performance and generate customer insights.

    In the Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) track, part of the MSc Marketing, you will become an expert on marketing analytics and get a thorough understanding of the impact of digitalization on marketing. You will learn how to use advanced statistical techniques in a responsible way to analyze data, both structured and unstructured. You learn how consumers, firms, and society can benefit from data science, but we also discuss the ethical considerations of working with large amounts of data.There is room for personal choices too, for example, you can choose electives on topics like digital marketing intelligence, supply chain analytics, and econometric models. Also, we want you to gain hands-on experience, which is why you will be working on an assignment using the latest Google Analytics 4. The programme offers you the potential to explore business ethics, the sustainability of supply chains, and the role of marketing in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).In the Master’s programme in Groningen, you will attend research-driven and fact-based courses about the most recent developments in the area of marketing analytics. To combine the best business practices with academic i

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    De hele dag
  • Would you like to learn how to deliver value to customers and build sustainable relationships? Then this double degree programme is for you!

    The double degree programme combines the expertise in Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) from Groningen with the expertise in Strategic Marketing from the BI Norwegian Business school in Oslo.

    In Groningen, you will study thoroughly methods that allow you to analyze and model (secondary, big) data to track the marketing performance of the firm and generate new customer insights. The information and insights generated by the Marketing Analytics and Data Science profile are used as a basis for making research-based strategic and tactical marketing decisions.

    The second part in Oslo is based on three central topics: marketing theory, statistical methods and the financial implications of marketing investments. You will learn how to oversee the market research that provides the knowledge to guide your decisions on a wide range of issues, ranging from which markets to target and which new products to develop, to what price will optimize sales and what communication themes and channels will best build brand value.

    You will receive two degrees: an MSc in Marketing with Marketing Analytics and Data Science profile and an MSc in Strategic Marketing Management.

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    De hele dag
  • Would you like to expand and deepen your knowledge in the field of Marketing Analytics and Data Science and Management, combined with a minor in Finance? Then this double degree programme is for you!

    In Groningen, you will be educated thoroughly on methods that allow them to analyze and model (secondary, big) data to track the marketing performance of the firm and generate new customer insights. The information and insights generated by the Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) profile (formerly known as Marketing Intelligence) are used as a basis for making research-based strategic and tactical marketing decisions.

    The second part in Münster is founded on two pillars: value-based marketing and finance. You learn how to design marketing programmes that create value for both customers and the firm and how to measure the financial implications of marketing strategies.

    For all students in this programme, a Master's thesis (20 ECTS) is written in Groningen and a research paper (10 ECTS) is written in Münster. You will receive two degrees: an MSc in Marketing with Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) and an MSc in Strategic Marketing Management.

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    De hele dag
  • Does transforming large datasets into valuable marketing programs sound interesting to you? Then this double degree programme is for you!

    The School of Business and Economics at the University of Münster and the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Groningen have joined forces to set up a high quality, two-year double degree Master’s programme in Marketing and Information Systems.

    In Groningen, you will be educated thoroughly on methods that allow them to analyze and model (secondary, big) data to track the marketing performance of the firm and generate new customer insights. The information and insights generated by the Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) profile (formerly known as Marketing Intelligence) are used as a basis for making research-based strategic and tactical marketing decisions.

    In Münster, the programme focuses on information systems. You will learn how marketing programs can be designed to create value for both customers and firms. You will write a Master’s thesis (20 ECTS) in Groningen and a research paper (10 ECTS) in Münster.

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    De hele dag
  • Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence Focus Area
  • Are you interested in an international career in or involving China?

    Study in Shanghai after your FEB Master's programme in Groningen and gain first-hand knowledge and experience of China and the economy, finance and culture.

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    De hele dag
  • Marketing Analytics and Data track is about understanding customers and generating customer insights based on advanced data engineering and analytics. In the MADS track, you will study methods of retrieving, managing, and analyzing data, including secondary and big data, to track a company's marketing performance and generate new customer insights. The information and insights generated by MADS specialists are used to make research-based strategic and tactical marketing decisions. For the MADS track, you must follow the four compulsory courses: 1)Statistical Learning in Marketing, 2) Companies, Brands and Consumers, 3) Data Engineering for MADS and 4) Data Science Methods for MADS. In addition, you choose at least two-course units from the MADS track, one course unit from the MM track, and a course unit from the other programmes or the MM and MADS tracks. After completing this programme you will receive an MSc in Marketing - Marketing Analytics and Data Science. Upon graduation, MADS students should be able to collect, retrieve, manage, and analyze data, interpret the results, generate insights, and report conclusions.

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    De hele dag
  • Marketing Management concentrates on the strategies and methods that companies can use to meet the wishes and requirements of consumers in the relevant market segment(s). In the MM track, you will study specific marketing disciples such as branding and new product management, customer management, marketing communications, retailing, and business-to-business marketing. Upon graduation, MM students will be able to make, implement, monitor and evaluate research-based strategic and tactical marketing decisions. For this track, you should take at least three of the six Marketing Management courses. You can also choose up to two courses from other programmes or the MADS track. After completing this programme, you will receive an MSc in Marketing - Marketing Management.

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    De hele dag
  • Opportunity to gain work experience by doing an internship in the second semester of your study.

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    De hele dag

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De hele dag

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Taal: Engels (100%)
Bekostiging: Overheid
Studiepunten: 60 ECTS
Diploma: Master of Science

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€ 2.601
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€ 2.530
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Studeren bij deze instelling

95 eerstejaars aan deze opleiding
36% van de eerstejaars studenten is man
64% van de eerstejaars studenten is vrouw
158 opleidingen
60.267 studenten in de gemeente Groningen Meer info over Groningen


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Diploma binnen 2 jaar


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behaalt geen diploma

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Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?

Nationale Studenten Enquête

Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?

Deze opleiding
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Landelijk gemiddelde
Vergelijk alle 2 opleidingen
4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Sfeer 3.9 / 5 4.1 / 5
0.2 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Studiefaciliteiten 4.0 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.0 gelijk aan landelijk gemiddelde
Studie opnieuw kiezen 3.9 / 5 4.1 / 5
0.2 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Inhoud en opzet 3.9 / 5 4.0 / 5
0.1 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk 3.3 / 5 3.5 / 5
0.2 minder dan landelijk gemiddelde
+ Meer

Oordeel afgestudeerden

Over de studie Marketing

64% van de afgestudeerden vindt de studie een goede basis om te starten op de arbeidsmarkt
84% van de afgestudeerden zou achteraf de studie opnieuw kiezen

Studeren met een ondersteuningsbehoefte

Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.

Lees hoe het studenten van deze opleiding in de eerste periode na hun studie vergaat op de arbeidsmarkt.

De meeste informatie die je hier ziet geeft een inkijkje in de situatie van afgestudeerden aan deze opleiding 1,5 jaar nadat ze zijn afgestudeerd. De informatie heeft betrekking op de studie Marketing en niet alleen over de opleiding aan deze instelling. Ben je nieuwsgierig hoe we aan de informatie zijn gekomen? Klik dan bij de verschillende onderwerpen op 'Meer informatie'.

Meest gekozen beroepen (na deze studie)

Specialisten op het gebied van reclame en marketing 30%
Systeemanalisten 11%
Vakspecialisten op statistisch en wiskundig gebied e.d. 11%

Een (substantiële) baan vinden...

duurt gemiddeld 11 maanden.
47% krijgt een vast contract.

Match tussen studie en beroep

77% vond een baan binnen het vakgebied van de studie

47% vond een baan op het niveau van de studie


Het startsalaris na deze studie is lager dan het gemiddelde van alle wo master studies.

€ 2.947

Geschatte startsalaris na deze studie

€ 3.150

Geschat van alle wo master studies

Gemiddelde werkweek

Hoeveel uur afgestudeerden gemiddeld werken bij hun huidige baan.

39 uur

Het percentage zelfstandigen

Het aandeel mensen dat werkt als zelfstandige of ondernemer.


Tevredenheid huidige baan

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over hun huidige baan.

3.9 / 5

Tevredenheid carrièrekansen

Het gemiddelde oordeel dat afgestudeerden geven over de mogelijkheden en vooruitzichten in hun loopbaan.

3.7 / 5

Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


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9712 GL Groningen

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Bel Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 050 363 9011
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