Hbo master - Economie en Bedrijf
Varianten: Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Data Analytics, Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Digital Transformation, Master of Business Admin...
The MBA degree is primarily aimed at students with a non-business administration bachelor's degree, who have had 3 years of experience working in companies and organisations in a role that manages people or processes, or both. Candidates for the MBA will speak good English and have worked in an international environment.
The MBA degree programme is aimed at providing graduates with the skills and competencies to fulfil management positions in the field of business administration, both in the public and private sectors. These positions can include management or policy-making roles in large organisations, as well as positions of management in small to medium-sized companies (SMEs).
A particu...
The MBA with the pathway in Data Analytics is one of the specialisations in our Master of Business Administration programme offered at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences to full-time and part time students, with a 'tech' background, from the Netherlands and around the world.
Students will develop expertise in business and the administration and management of data analytics so that you can work with big data and combine data science with business management. The industry is always evolving, so alongside our international team of lecturers, we partner with industry experts to ensure that the content of the programme meets the needs of today’s dynamic and competitive business environment.
We welcome students from science or tech academic backgrounds with a minimum of 3-years' professional work experience to apply for this programme. Having a background in business or management is not a prerequisite for admission. The programme is modular in nature, with the first semester designed to equip you with the foundations in management, supplying the tools you require to specialise further in the MBA in Data Analytics programme.
The MBA with the pathway in Digital Transformation is one of the specialisations in our Master of Business Administration programme offered at Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences to full-time and part time students, with a 'tech' background, from the Netherlands and around the world.
This specialisation in Digital Transformation is aimed at enabling students to understand and develop the capacity to become digital transformers, managing transformation and innovation in the current dynamic business environment. The objective is to provide students with a clear understanding of the new digital disruptive technologies that are rapidly transforming business processes, companies, and industrial value chains. The Internet of Things (IoT), hyper-connectivity and virtual reality are changing how businesses communicate and interact, disrupting some operations and industries and creating new ones. These transformations are being formulated purposely by business professionals who understand such technologies and how to harness them effectively.
The MBA pathway in Entrepreneurship & Innovation is aimed at providing ambitious international minded students with the skills necessary to advance their career in management or start a new entrepreneurial pathway, or pursue a career in the innovation and strategic change management sector or department of a company. This programme will enable student to make the leap into new business and management roles from an existing position, or prepare them to enter a new role at managing a new or existing business, either as an entrepreneur, or an 'intrapreneur', helping an owner or startup to develop.
An international team of lecturers and business leaders has been designed this MBA for those ready to make the climb into management roles, either from an existing job or graduates with some work experience who are aspiring to become managers. Together with the traditional MBA building blocks, this MBA pathway in Entrepreneurship & Innovation offers additional modules with a particular focus on entrepreneurship, strategy and innovation.”.
The MBA degree with a pathway in Smart Industry is specially designed by WUAS to train future business administrators to understand the implications of exponential technologies such as artificial intelligence, advanced robotics and cognitive automation, advanced analytics, and the Industry Internet of Things (IIoT). This program will guide students through the process of critical analysis, planning and implementation of innovative digital businesses and operation strategies from a practical business point of view.
The MBA in Clean Tech is a specialization from the Master of Business Administration degree programme, registered under Croho 70150.
This programme is a combination of technology-based modules covering state-of-the-art issues in sustainability and renewable energy, embedded within a core of traditional, management MBA modules.
The MBA in Clean Technology Management is a combination of technology-based modules covering state-of-the-art issues in sustainability and renewable energy, embedded within a core of traditional, management-related MBA modules. This unique combination of knowledge areas offers managers and entrepreneurs who realize that the future of any organization or commercial enterprise, albeit in a technology sector or in any other field or activity, relies these days on being sustainable, socially-responsible, and energy efficient.
Learning about both business and management applications as well as about the practical application of green technology will give the future manager a clear advantage and competitive edge, as much of what is learned in the MBA will be applicable to current business practices straight away.
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We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Hoe beoordelen de (oud)studenten deze opleiding?
Hoe tevreden waren studenten in 2024 over aspecten van deze opleiding?
Deze opleiding
Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences |
Landelijk gemiddelde
Master of Business Administration Vergelijk alle 2 opleidingen |
verschil | |
Meer informatie | 3.0 / 5 | 3.3 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 3.1 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 2.6 / 5 | 2.9 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 2.8 / 5 | 3.1 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.0 / 5 | 3.3 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 2.8 / 5 | 3.2 / 5 | |
Meer informatie | 3.0 / 5 | 3.3 / 5 | |
Sfeer | 3.1 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Studiefaciliteiten | 2.6 / 5 | 2.9 / 5 | |
Studie opnieuw kiezen | 2.8 / 5 | 3.1 / 5 | |
Inhoud en opzet | 3.0 / 5 | 3.3 / 5 | |
Aansluiting beroepspraktijk | 2.8 / 5 | 3.2 / 5 | |
Docenten | 3.1 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Lesstof in het Engels | 4.0 / 5 | 4.1 / 5 | |
Studiebegeleiding | 2.9 / 5 | 3.1 / 5 | |
Toetsing en beoordeling | 3.0 / 5 | 3.1 / 5 | |
Betrokkenheid en contact | 3.0 / 5 | 3.4 / 5 | |
Studiedruk |
We hebben onvoldoende betrouwbare informatie over dit onderwerp.
Veel studenten hebben tijdens hun studie behoefte aan extra voorzieningen of flexibiliteit in het onderwijs. Dit kan komen door een aandoening zoals dyslexie, een chronische ziekte, psychische klachten, maar ook topsport of ondernemerschap tijdens de studie. Studenten beoordeelden hoe tevreden ze zijn over de ondersteuningsmogelijkheden bij hun onderwijsinstelling.
Voor 'Na afstuderen' verzamelen we alleen informatie over mensen die direct na havo-vwo/mbo-4 beginnen aan hun opleiding en binnen 1,5 jaar na afstuderen voor het eerst op de arbeidsmarkt terechtkomen. Omdat de meeste hbo-masterstudenten niet voldoen aan deze kenmerken, tonen we hier geen informatie over hbo-masterstudies.
Meer weten over de opleiding? Neem contact op met Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences
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