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Business School Netherlands has been active as an international business school since 1988 and continues to expand provision of Action Learning programmes beyond the boundaries of the Netherlands, creating a global Action Learning community of business leaders, all following the same steps to success.
To this day a team of specialists has been continuously developing and updating the courseware...
Business School Netherlands has been active as an international business school since 1988 and continues to expand provision of Action Learning programmes beyond the boundaries of the Netherlands, creating a global Action Learning community of business leaders, all following the same steps to success.
To this day a team of specialists has been continuously developing and updating the courseware. The organisation continues to expand, learning from actions taken, assessing the situation, and making the next decisions on the path to success. These values inspire the student body to develop in the best possible way as business managers. Aiming to be the best school will in turn lead to students aspiring to be the best business managers. Non-stop endeavours towards improvement and expansion of management programmes have established Business School Netherlands as top-notch MBA and management training provider.
As a University of Applied Sciences, Business School Netherlands develops campuses and locally-driven management programmes outside the Netherlands at a rapid pace with astounding success.
Van profiel naar studie
Achterhaal welke hbo of wo opleidingen het beste passen bij jouw achtergrond
Jaarlijks worden studenten gevraagd hun mening te geven over hun opleiding en instelling in de Nationale Studenten Enquête van Studiekeuze123. Helaas zijn er voor deze vestiging geen studentenoordelen beschikbaar.