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We are proud of the fact that Hotelschool The Hague is one of the last independent single sector Universities of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. Hotelschool The Hague was founded and funded in 1929 by the hospitality industry, to create a central place where industry partners could gain and share new insight, skills and knowledge. Since its foundation, Hotelschool The Hague has become an inte...
We are proud of the fact that Hotelschool The Hague is one of the last independent single sector Universities of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. Hotelschool The Hague was founded and funded in 1929 by the hospitality industry, to create a central place where industry partners could gain and share new insight, skills and knowledge. Since its foundation, Hotelschool The Hague has become an international school specialised in hospitality management. Hotelschool The Hague offers a 4 year Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Hotel Management; also available as the accelerated 2.5 year International Fast Track Programme. Furthermore, Hotelschool The Hague offers a 13-month Master of Business Administration (MBA) in International Hospitality Management.
The student population is very international and consists of over 50 different nationalities.
All study programmes are accredited by the Dutch Flemish Accreditation Organization (Nederlands Vlaamse Accreditatie Organisatie NVAO).
Currently Hotelschool has over 7000 alumni, many of whom occupy leading positions in the international hospitality industry, as well as in related industries such as catering, events, retail, consultancy and banking.
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